"The Manufactured Identity" by Heath Sommer

As a psychological thriller "The Manufactured Identity" is a strange tale that will keep you reading the book. From one moment to the next the characters are keeping you on your toes. The first chapter will grab you as soon as you read it. You read about a guy that can't remember who he is and has thousands of dollars on him. Wouldn't you want to know what happened and where all that money came from. As you keep reading and meeting all these people you begin to wonder what they all have in common. But you will have to read the book to find out! Besides that the book cover is really awesome!
"The Blue Notebook" by James A. Levine

This book is about Child Prostitutes. Although I really wanted to read this book, once I started it I couldn't put it down, but I couldn't read it, it was very disturbing, I had to stop now and then because I couldn't read on. But I had to pick it back up and continue on. I wanted to find out what happened to Batuk. It is a very disturbing book. Knowing that this is going on in the world and no one to help these children. But be warned there is lots of sexual talk that is very frank and to the point. Very descriptive sexual talk.
"March" by Geraldine Brooks

This is the first book I have read from Geraldine Brooks. I enjoyed her writing very much. As I read Little Women years ago as a child and more recently re-read it again, I often had questions about Mr. March. Little Women doesn't actually tell you anything about the Civil War. Geraldine Brooks goes beyond the book Little Women and answers all those questions with extra thrown in. Mr. March's experiences are not good ones, but then war is not a very good thing to experience. Mr. March's ideas of what it was going to be like and what it really was like was a little naive. But he does come home to his wife and his little women. As to whether he is a whole person after his experience is another question all together.
"Betrayal in Death" by J. D. Robb

This is my first J. D. Robb book and it won't be my last. I really enjoyed this book. I really like the character of Eve. She's a very through and quick on her feet cop. She is also a very loving wife. In return Roarke, her husband is a millionaire, but is also a very normal down to earth guy. As Eve is searching for clues to Yost's where abouts, Roarke steps in and helps Eve to track down Yost. While in the process they uncover a robbery that is actually the reason for all the murders. A 7 billion dollar robbery! While they are trying to track down who is behind the contracts and what it has to do with Roarke they stumble onto the robbery and links them all together. Do they get Yost? You'll have to read the book to find out.
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