Sunday, July 28, 2019

BW31: 52 Books Bingo - Bildungsroman

Our next 52 Books Bingo category is Bildungsroman which originated in Germany. Bildung (education) and roman (novel) translates into a novel of education or formation. The plot of a Bildungsroman deals with a character's psychological, emotional, educational, and moral growth as they transform from youth to adulthood, beginning with a loss, their journey through conflict and personal growth until they reach maturity. 

When ever I have read a bildungsroman type novel in the past, such as Thomas Mann's Magic Mountain, James Joyce's Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man, Proust's Swann's Way or even Lois Lowry's The Giver, I've had to set aside all expectations and take the time to let myself be drawn into the story. They are stories you can't read in five minute patches here and there. You have to let yourself fall into the pulse of not only the story, but the writer's style and voice. It's an adventure into a character's heart and mind and soul and you come out the other side with much to think about.

History and Examples of Bildungsroman novels.

Bildungsroman Project

Goodreads Best Bildungsroman Novels

Cheers to your Bildungsroman reading adventure!


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