Thursday, October 29, 2009

Week 43 - Book 44

Week 43 - Book 44

Today is the start of Week 43 in the quest to read 52 books in 52 weeks and should have you starting book # 44. We have 9 weeks left in the year and heading towards our goal of reading 52 books for the year.

National Novel Writing Month

Otherwise known as NaNoWriMo or NaNo is starting on November 1st so dust off those erasers, sharpens those pencils, crack open your brand new notebook, or back up your hard drive and get ready to write.

NaNo is a challenge to write a 50,000 word, 175 page novel by the end of november. Does it have to be perfect, no. The challenge is to ignore your inner editor and write, write, write. Be creative, brainstorm, let it flow without censoring yourself or your characters. You let your characters tell the story and you listen. Once NaNo is all over, you can edit to your heart's content. There is even a Young Writer's Program for those under 18 and many, many schools are joining in on the event.

I'll tell you a secret. Prior to joining NaNo in 2007, I never took writing seriously. I dabbled here and there and had notebooks filled with a couple chapters of stories, then forgotten. You get an idea, write about it, then forget it. I found out about NaNo a couple weeks before it started. Decided I would take the challenge and guess what. I had a blast! I now have two Works In Progress (WIP's) which I am working on editing. I have learned a great deal about the writing process and am still learning. I'm joining in for another round with a mystery story called "Eyes in the Ashes."

My challenge to you - go for it. If you've been thinking about writing something, do it now. Join NaNo and see what happens. You may just surprise yourself.

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