
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Book Week 52 - Z for for Zip

Hello my darlings!  We are down to the last week.  Our year has just flown by, it seems to have just zipped on by.   I discovered some amazing books and authors this year as well as came across a few snoozers.  I had fun in the process and my wish list grew by leaps and bounds.  Many new and interesting books to choose from in 2011.  So how did you do?

Did you reach the goal of 52 books?:

If you didn't, how many did you manage to read?:

What was the last book you read?:

Did you read from a list and fly by the seat of your pants choosing a different book each week?:

Did you learn something new about yourself, an author, an topic?:

How many classics did you read?:

Did you discover a new author or genre?  Did you love them or hate them?

Name your top ten favorite reads:

Name your bottom ten least favorite reads:

Name a book you simply could not finish:

Name a book you expected to like but didn't:

Name a book you expected to not like but did:

Thank you to everybody who joined in and to those who have been following our progress. No matter how many books you read this year, you succeeded in the challenge.  If you discovered something new or a new to you author or just enjoyed your reading time then I would call that a success. There aren't any failures in reading challenges.

I had a lot of fun, hope you did too and next year will be even more of a blast.  If there are any topics or books or mini challenges you'd like to see added, please let me know. 


Link to your last book and/or your wrap up post for the year:

Monday, December 20, 2010

I'm participating in 2011

 Sign up to participate with Mr. Linky.

2011 Read 52 books in 52 Weeks

Sticky Post: Scroll down for current posts

2011 52 Books in 52 Weeks Reading Challenge

This past year has been awesome and I've had lots of fun.  2011 is almost upon us and time to start thinking about new goals.  Are you ready for another year and challenging yourself to read 52 books in 52 weeks.   

I am going to spice it up a bit this year and blend in several mini challenges, including the Mind Voyages challenge I created in 2010.   I worked rather hard to create the Mind Voyages blog and don't want to see it go to waste. So the blog will remain up so folks can refer to the links for their voyages.  All the mini challenges are optional and offered to help you meet the 52 books goal.  

1)  Mind Voyages is a science fiction / fantasy challenge to explore the hugo and nebula winners, take side trips through the different decades reading the nominees, check out Philip K. Dick and Robert Heinlein.   Also, Since I can't  possibly imagine a reading challenge without exploring new releases that come out in 2011, we have the all inclusive Pluto challenge. Links to all the voyages are available on the Mind Voyages blog.  

Moon Voyage :  Read at least 6 winners on the Hugo Winners List

Sling shot back to Earth:  Read at least  3 winners on the Nebula Winner's List

Venus Voyage:   Philip K. Dick Quest  - Read at least 2 of his books

Mercury  Voyage:   Robert Heinlein Quest - Read at least 2 of his books

Mars Voyage:   Read at least 6 winners on the Hugo List and take a side trip through the 21st century and read at least 4 nominees.

Go into Warp Drive and visit the other planets

Jupiter Voyage:   Go side tripping 90's Style

Saturn:  Go Side Tripping 80's Style

Uranus: Go Side Tripping 70's Style

Neptune Voyage:  Go Side Tripping through the 50's and 60's

The I'm going to Pluto because Pluto is still a planet as far as I'm concerned Voyage:   Mix it up, choose the number of books you want to read from each voyage, include some new books you pick up along the way and enjoy the ride. 
2)  Read around the World:   I probably did read around the world last year but didn't pay much attention. So this year I'm paying attention to setting. Keep track of where the story takes place and see how many places you end up. 

3)  Ireland Reading Challenge: or just stick with one country such as Ireland and read books set in Ireland, written by Irish Authors or with an Irish theme. Pick 2, 4, 6, or 12 books to read.

4) Jane Austen Mini Challenge: Read Jane Austen's books -Emma, Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park, Northanger Abbey, Sense and Sensibility and Persuasion. All can be found online here.

5)  Well Educated Mind Mini Challenge:  The Well Educated Mind written by Susan Wise Bauer is a guide to reading the great works.  Read 3 books from each category: Fiction, autobiography, history, drama and poetry.  

6) New Author Mini Challenge:   Read at least one new to you author per month.

7) Try a new genre challenge: Read at least one book in a genre you've never tried before. 

8)  E-Book reading challenge:   read at least 3, 6, 9, or 12 e-books this year. 

9)  Chunkster Challenge:  Chunksters are considered books that are over 500 pages in length.  Read one chunkster a month.  

10)  Read 12 classics in 12 months 

A new year, a fresh slate.  Time to discover some new friends and rediscover some old friends. Make the challenge as easy and casual as you want or spice it up and challenge yourself. Explore a bit, but most of all have fun.  

The rules are very simple and the goal is to read one book (at least) a week for 52 weeks. 

  1. The challenge will run from January 1, 2011 through December 31, 2011. 
  2. Our book weeks will begin on Sunday.  
  3. Participants may join at any time.
  4. All forms of books are acceptable including e-books, audio books, etc.
  5. Re-reads are acceptable as long as they are read after January 1, 2011.
  6. Books may overlap other challenges.
  7. Create an entry post linking to this blog. 
  8. Come back and sign up with Mr. Linky in the "I'm participating post" below this post.
  9. You don't have a blog to participate.  Post your weekly book in the comments section.
  10. Mr. Linky will be added to the bottom of the weekly post for you to link to reviews of your most current reads. 

    I'll be changing the header and modify the theme a bit, so don't mind the dust for the next couple weeks.

    Sunday, December 19, 2010

    Book Week 51 - The beginning of Winter and Christmas Tidings

    Ajudante De Papai Noel by Murilocardoso

    Tomorrow is a once in a life time day for us with the beginning of winter coinciding with a lunar eclipse.  The last time this happened was 1554 AD.  According to NASA:

    The luster will be a bit "off" on Dec. 21st, the first day of northern winter, when the full Moon passes almost dead-center through Earth's shadow. For 72 minutes of eerie totality, an amber light will play across the snows of North America, throwing landscapes into an unusual state of ruddy shadow. 

    The eclipse begins on Tuesday morning, Dec. 21st, at 1:33 am EST (Monday, Dec. 20th, at 10:33 pm PST). At that time, Earth's shadow will appear as a dark-red bite at the edge of the lunar disk. It takes about an hour for the "bite" to expand and swallow the entire Moon. Totality commences at 02:41 am EST (11:41 pm PST) and lasts for 72 minutes. 

    If you're planning to dash out for only one quick look -­ it is December, after all -­ choose this moment: 03:17 am EST (17 minutes past midnight PST). That's when the Moon will be in deepest shadow, displaying the most fantastic shades of coppery red.

    With the beginning of winter, Christmas is upon us and I found a movie last year that told the nativity story beautifully:
    The Nativity Story

     I just discovered Angela Hunt wrote the companion novel that goes along with it.  

    The Nativity Story by Angela Hunt

    And two of my favorite books we love reading every Christmas besides the Christmas story are:

    The Night Before Christmas
    Saint Nicholas: The Real Story of the Christmas Legend

    Merry Christmas to you and yours!

    Link to your reviews: 

    Sunday, December 12, 2010

    Book Week 50 - X is for xenization

    Hey, don't be a xenization

    Xenization - To walk as a stranger or exist as a stranger.  

    Words. Our vocabulary and our books are made up of millions of words and over the years, some of the those words are disappearing.   Save the Words is doing their best to save the words by having people adopt a word and use it every day or in their writings.    Today, I adopted and saved Xenization.   So don't be a snobographer, it's time to resarciate and before you venundate or inveteratist this Christmas,  find some lubency and be a squiriferous, adopt a word or two or three.  


    Link to your reviews:

    Sunday, December 5, 2010

    Book Week 49 -- W is for Wishes

    Courtesy FreeBird4

    Yes, it is that time of year and my son is insisting I write up our Christmas list of wishes for the family and everyone else so we can go shopping.  He's been insisting since the day after Thanksgiving.  I really couldn't wrap my mind around Christmas until November was over.  He had a huge list of things he'd written up on a piece of paper, filling it up from the front to the back.  I told him to narrow it down to 15.  We usually buy him three things from his list.  Santa sometimes brings him things from his list.   He has already emailed Santa at and has received an email letter back.  Cool website, by the way, with lots of games and stories and of course, the Santa Tracker. Well worth checking out.   

    I still haven't written my Christmas list yet, because I really don't need anything.   I have more than enough books waiting in the TBR pile, but everyday I come across a blog talking about a book that just sounds so good I add it to my book wish list.   My Amazon list is pages long and my Barnes and Noble e book wish list is slowly catching up.  At the beginning of this year, I did the unthinkable.  I deleted every single thing on my wish list, because it was too long and just too many choices and I couldn't  remember half the reasons I added them in the first place.   I've been a bit more selective this year.  Of course, I keep forgetting to use Amazon's nifty feature of adding a  note to remind who I got the idea from and why.  *sigh* 

    What books do I have on my wish list you ask?  Books about writing, teaching, tweens, and fiction of course.  I have such an eclectic list from classics to mysteries to historical to romance to paranormal, it's amazing.   Some of the fiction books I have on my list are

    Around the World with Auntie Mame by Patrick Dennis.   This one has special meaning because last month on my 51st birthday, my parents remembered that this is the book my dad was reading to my mom while she was in labor with me.   

    Immanuel's Veins by Ted Dekker  

    Surface Detail by Iain Banks 

    A Man Called Outlaw by K.M. Weiland 

    Saving Cee Cee Honeycutt by Beth Hoffman

    The Snake's Pass by Bram Stoker

    The Clovis Incident by Pari Noskin Taichert

    Have you started your christmas list or wish list of books for 2011?  What books and authors do you have on your wishlist?
